
[ This article originally appeared on my blog on July 19th, 2010. -Ed. ]

I recently got an email from a VWRAP document reviewer asking if web capabilities could be considered "security by obscurity." the simple answer is, "no. as long as you treat a web capability as a one time use password for a resource, you should be fine."

But i realized then there are a number of people who don't grok caps. If you're unfamiliar with the terms "capabilities" or "caps" or "webcaps," this blog post may be for you. (Note, i'm cribbing a lot of the text of this post from an earlier message i wrote on the OGPX mailing list )

What are capabilities anyway?

"Capabilities" are authorization tokens designed so that possession of the token implies the authority to perform a specific action.

Consider a file handle in POSIX like systems; when you open a file, you get back an integer representing the open file. You only get this file handle back if you have access rights to the file. When you spawn a new child process, the child inherits your open file handles and it too can access those files via the file handle, even though the child process lives in a completely different process space. Later versions of *nix even allow you to move open file handles between unrelated processes. So the takeaway here is, it's an opaque bit of data (i.e. - a token) and if you have it, it means you have the authority to use it. And you can pass it around if need be.

Capabilities on the web extend the concept. In addition to the token implying authorization to access some resource, it usually also provides the address to access the resource. In other words, a web capability is a URL possessed by a client that the client may use to create, read, update or delete a resource.

Web Capabilities in VWRAP are in the form of a "well known" portion of a URL (something like "") and a large, unguessable, randomly generated string (like "CE7A3EA0-2948-405D-A699-AA9F6293BDFE".) Putting them together, you get a valid URL a client can use to access a resource via HTTP. In this example, that URL would be "".

Why the Heck Would I Ever Want To Do That?

No doubt about it, this is not a "standard pattern" for web services. Normally, if you have a resource, you publish a well known resource for it and if it's sensitive you require the client to log in prior to being granted access.

For example, you might have a RESTful resource at "" representing the group "AWGroupies". You define an API that says if you want to post a message to the group, you use HTTP POST with data (XML, JSON or whatever) implying the semantic "post this message to this group". for the sake of discussion, let's say the message looks like:

     from: "Meadhbh Oh",
     message: "I'm giving 50 L$ to anyone who IMs me in the next 5 minutes!"

Authentication is in order here, but this is a well known problem, I simply use HTTP digest auth over HTTPS (or something similar) and we're done. This is a perfectly acceptable solution.

But there are a couple of issues with this solution.

Most notabrly, every service that presents an interface to a sensitive resource MUST understand authentication. so not only does "" need to understand authentication, so does "" and "" and so on.

It's not a problem really, until you start adding new authentication techniques. One day your boss comes to you and tells you. "Hey! We're using Secure/IDs for everything now!" Ugh. but it's still not that painful. You've probably abstracted out authentication, so you have a map of service URLs to authentication techniques and common libraries that actually authenticate requests throughout your system.

This works until the day that your boss comes in and says... "Hey! We just bought our competitor! We're going to integrate their FooWidget service into our service offering! isn't it great!" and then you get that sinking feeling cause you know that this means you've got to figure a way to get their service to talk to your identity provider so their service can authenticate your customers. People who have gone through this know that this can turn out to be a bag full of pain.

The standard way of doing this is something like:

  1. service request come into
  2. redirects with a 302 to
  3. responds with a 401 getting the client to resubmit the request with a WWW-Authenticate: header.
  4. the client resubmits to with the proper WWW-Authenticate: header, but remember, these are's customers, so
  5. sends a message to a private interface on, asking it to authenticate the user credentials.
  6. assuming the client is using valid credentials, responds to with the digital equivalent of a thumbs up, and finally...
  7. responds to the request.

And this works pretty well up until the point that the new CIO comes in and says, "Infocard! we're moving everything to Infocard!" There's nothing wrong with Infocard, of course, but in this situation you've got to implement it at both and And when we start adding to the mix the fact that the biz dev people keep trying to buy new companies and you get a new CIO every 18 months who wants a new user authentication technology, things can get out of hand.

And i didn't even talk about the fact that each time you change the authentication scheme, thick client developers have to go through the code, looking for every place a request is made.

Web capabilities are not a magic panacea, but they can help out in this situation. Rather than having each request authenticated, the user's identity is authenticated once at a central location (like it coordinates with it's services ( to provide a unique, unguessable URL (the capability) known only to that specific client and trusted systems ( and

So the flow would be something like...

  1. a client logs in at and asks for a capability to use a particular service
  2. verifies the user's credentials and verifies the user can access that service
  3. sends a request to a private interface on asking for the capability.
  4. generates the unguessable capability and returns it to
  5. returns the capability to the client
  6. the client uses the capability to access the sensitive resource.

Both approaches require establishing a trusted interface between and, but in the case of the capability example, only has to know about the specific details of user authentication. Thick client developers may also notice that they access the capability as if it were a public resource; that is, they don't need to authenticate each request.

Another benefit to capabilities is that they are pre-authorized. If you have a resource that is accessed frequently (like maybe "get the next 10 inventory items" or "check to see if there are any messages on the event queue for me") you don't have to do the username -> permissions look up each time the server receives a request. For environments where the server makes a network request for each permissions check, this can lead to reduced request latency.

Capabilities are not magic panaceas. There's still some work involved in implementing them and they start making a lot more sense when you have a cluster of machines offering service to a client, but deployers want identity and identity to permissions mapping functions to live elsewhere in the network than the machine offering a service. (i.e. - "the cloud" or "the grid".)

But How Do I Provision a Capability ?

There are several ways to provision capabilities, but the approach we take in VWRAP is to use the "seed capability."

Like many other distributed protocols involving sensitive resources, VWRAP interactions begin with user authentication. This is not strictly true; i'm ignoring the case where two machines want to communicate outside the context of a user request, but let me hand wave that use case away for the moment while we talk about using seed caps.

The process begins with user authentication. The VWRAP authentication specification describes this process; the client sends an avatar name and a password to an authentication server. assuming the authentication request can be validated, the server returns a "seed cap." The client then sends a list of capability names to the seed cap and awaits the response.

What the host behind the seed cap is doing while the client waits for a reply is verifying the requested capability exists and the user is permitted to perform the operation implied by the capability (and it does this for each capability requested.)

So, for example, let's say you are a client that only wants to update a user profile and send/receive group messages. the protocol interaction might look something like this...

a. authentication : client -> server at

     agent_name: "Meadhbh Oh",
     authenticator: {
       type: "hash",
       algorithm: "md5",
       secret: "i1J8B0rOmekRn8ydeup6Dg=="

b. auth response : server ->; client

     condition: "success",
     agent_seed_capability: ""

c. asking the seed for the other caps : client -> server at

     capabilities : [

d. the response with the URIs for the caps : server -> client

     capabilities : {
       profile/update : "",
       groups/search : ""

Expiring Capabilities

Readers may notice that there is a potential "TOCTOU vulnerability." TOCTOU stands for "time of check, time of use," and refers to a common security problem. What happens if the permissions on an object change between the time the code managing the resource checks the permission and the time it performs an operation on the resource.

This is a common problem with many systems, including POSIX file descriptors. (seriously.. if you change the permissions on a file to disallow writing AFTER the file has been opened, subsequent writes on the file descriptor will not fail in many POSIX systems.)

VWRAP addresses this problem by expiring capabilities when they get old. So if you request a capability, then wait a LONG time before you access it, you may find you get a 404 response. The VWRAP specifications do not require all caps to expire, but the do require servers to signal their expiration by removing them (thus the 404 response) and require clients to understand what to do when a capability has been expired. In most cases, the appropriate response is to re-request the capability from the seed cap. If the seed cap is expired, clients should re-authenticate.

Capabilities may also "expire after first use." Also called "single shot capabilities," they are used to communicate sensitive or highly volatile information to the client.

Current practice is to include an Expires: header in the response from the server so the client will know when the resource expires.

Introspection on Capabilities

Finally, RESTful resources represented by a capability are described by an abstract interface (like LLIDL), the interface description language described in the VWRAP Abstract Type System draft. Several people have requested introspection so clients may request the LLIDL description of a capability and more accurately reason about the semantics of its use.

The proposed solution to this problem for VWRAP messages carried over HTTP is to use the OPTIONS method when accessing the capability (instead of GET, POST, PUT or DELETE.) upon receipt of the OPTIONS request, the server should respond with the LLIDL describing the resource.


Capabilities are cool, especially in clouds or grids.


A pair of Google Tech Talks at: Object Capabilities for Security and From Desktops to Donuts: Object-Caps Across Scales provide a pretty good technical introduction to the concept of capabilities.

VWRAP's description of capabilities is at: VWRAP : Foundation, Section 2.3 : Capabilities

VWRAP uses capabilities to access RESTful resources. Roy Fielding's paper on REST is at: Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures.